:: Bowling Tournament 3 ::  

Posted by Lady

wah.. penatnye..!! tekak n tgn saya..!! adoi..!! *mengeluh is bad* hehe..

pagi nih, bos dtg amik kitorg kol 8 lagi.. kitorg nye game start ri ni.. so, gerak ke Ipoh Parade lor.. smpi2 je, sume pintu kunci.. haisyoo.. cane nak masuk nih??? atas kepakaran yg dimiliki, *pakar la sgt* kitorg pon parking kat tgkt atas, n masuk guna lif *gler r.. klu pencuri tawu taktik kitorg nih, comfirm jahanam Ipoh Parade tuh* bila smpi kat bowling alley, no body is there.. juz us 1 team.. dlm kol 830 baru la dtg sket demi sket grup lain.. hurmm.. ikut tentatif, game (single) start kol 930am n pndftaran pemain kol 9am.. tapi, meh tgk pix bwh nih..

kol 910am tp tmpt bowling nih still close.. how??

lepak punye lepak, kol 9.35 baru urusetia sampai.. gi mana nih? hurmm... korg pk r sndiri cane timing diorg nih.. dah ready sumenye, game pon dah start.. 5 games non-stop.. mati krem tgn adi.. huhu.. cian ko..

pas game adi habis, break jap, then turn aku n ain lak tuk game double.. 5 games non-stop gak.. main.. baling bole.. longkang.. strike.. haha.. n haha lagi.. kutuk2 diri sendiri.. ahaks *gler enjoy kitorg masa 2*

opss.. lupa nak tunjuk kasut kitorg.. hehe.. sponsor by Ampang Superbowl Ipoh..

colourful kau kaler nye

habis game lbh kurg kol 3pm, mkn jap kat Restoren ape ntah namanye.. not bad la.. murah n org ramai gler.. pas 2, balik umah n tdo r.. ape lagi.. bdn dah lepak.. ptg, aku xwat pape.. opss.. lupa.. ptg 2 aku tlg sket2 kat dapur.. mak tiqa jemput bos mkn kat umah..

pas mkn, kluar lagi.. bos ckp nak g karaoke.. ayoyo.. karok lagi ka??? ni g e-Box lak.. kecik sket dr K-Box tp lagu lg byk.. nyanyi smpi kol 1am.. ngantuk gler..!! *bos ckp dia bayo sampai kol 2am.. gilo apo? xponek ko?* balik umah n bum terus *b4 that aku dah basuh muka n gosok gg taw*

p/s :: next entry >> ::Bowling Tournament 4::

This entry was posted on Sunday, August 16, 2009 at Sunday, August 16, 2009 . You can follow any responses to this entry through the comments feed .


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